For Gardeners
Gardeners Code of Conduct
Click here to download the Code of Conduct we ask all Gardeners to follow, or read below. Para español, por favor haga clic aquí.
As part of gardener registration you will be asked to acknowledge and agree to these guidelines. We thank everyone for their support to keep our gardens operating smoothly for all!
SCG Gardeners Code of Conduct 2024
Gardening with SCG requires that each person follows these rules.
Gardens thrive on communication. Do you get emails from your garden captain? Make sure they’re not going into your spam folder.
Be kind and courteous with your fellow gardeners. Assume they have best intentions.
If issues arise, let your captain know. Tell her/him if you are no longer able to garden, or if you notice a problem.
Garden upkeep
We want the gardens to look good. Limit weedy areas where rodents thrive.
Maintain your plot throughout the season, and use compost bins for weed disposal.
Be mindful not to shade neighbors (for example, by growing corn on a shared edge), and do not spread into the walkways.
Do not harvest from anyone else’s plot without permission (even if it looks abandoned). Theft results in expulsion.
Please weed your plot by June 1st and plant it by June 15th. If you do not tend your plot, your registration will be cancelled. You’ll be notified by email. If you do not comply the garden captain may re-assign your plot.
Gardens are cleaned out for the winter by November 15th. If you wish to “winter over,” discuss a longer season with your captain.
Service Hours
We share responsibility for the common areas of the gardens. Garden captains will inform you about work to be completed as part of the service requirement.
Two hours of service time per season is expected from each gardener. If you cannot complete any service time you may opt out by paying a $40 fee.
Report your service time using the online form.
Human and environmental health
Follow organic gardening practices. Do not use chemical fertilizers, pesticides or herbicides.
Pets are not allowed in the gardens.
Follow all board of health guidelines and notices (for COVID, soil issues).
If an accident occurs within the garden space, report immediately to your garden captain.
I understand that neither the City of Salem nor Salem Community Gardens, Inc. is responsible for protecting garden plots from vandalism or from the removal of materials planted or items placed there. I also understand that neither Salem Community Gardens, Inc. nor the City of Salem is responsible for my actions. I THEREFORE AGREE TO HOLD HARMLESS SALEM COMMUNITY GARDENS, INC. AND THE CITY OF SALEM FOR ANY LIABILITY, DAMAGE, SOIL CONDITION, LOSS OR CLAIM THAT OCCURS IN CONNECTION WITH USE OF THE GARDEN BY ME OR ANY OF MY GUESTS. I have read and understood this code of conduct and I will conduct myself in accordance with it, or I will surrender my privilege to garden at Salem Community Gardens.