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Our Gardens

We take great pride in our four amazing gardens, which are paid for by annual plot fees and built and maintained using service hours.


Mack Park Garden


Mack Park is a gardener's garden. Located at the top of Mack Park, the in-ground plots here are huge.  The experience of Mack Park's gardeners is obvious, as their crops are unique, beautiful, and clearly bountiful. Plots are $40 for the season.


Mack Park Garden Captains: Scott Skalny - Recruiting for a co-captain!

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Mack Park Chart


Palmer Cove Garden (newly renovated!)


Renovations are complete! The newly completed garden has 70+ large raised beds, including seven fully accessible, ADA-compliant beds. Thanks to a grant partnership from Keep Salem Beautiful, we will also install a pollinator garden featuring native wildflowers this season! Located on the Salem Street side of Palmer Cove Park in the heart of Salem. Boxes are $40 for the season.


Palmer Cove Garden Captains: Walter Morrell & Matt Kirchman

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Palmer Cove Chart


Splaine Park


Nestled within a little-known Central Salem ball field and playground, Splaine is a wonderful place to garden while the family plays or watches a game. This garden offers 4'x8' traditional-depth beds (12"), and 3.5'x5' beds at 34"deep easy access. It's home to our cooperative effort with Salem's Native Tree + Shrub Nursery, and features donation plots that educate our community + honor the Indigenous planting practices of the tribes on whose land we garden. Boxes are $20 or $40,


Splaine Park Garden Captains: Jillian Rubel & Connor Hilfinger

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Splaine Park Chart


Pickman Park


Pickman Park is located in South Salem, in the middle of a gorgeous salt marsh on an unused tennis court, and features 4x4' and 2x8' raised beds. Watch red-tailed hawks, wild turkeys and snowy egrets while you garden.  Boxes are $20 for the season.


Pickman Park Garden Captains: - Maeve Sullivan - Recruiting for a co-captain!

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Pickman Park Chart

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