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For Gardeners

Gardeners Code of Conduct

Resources For Gardeners

 Here are some suggestions for purchasing seeds and plants. Captains may also have donated seeds to share.  Let us know if you have other tips!

The Food Project. A nonprofit in Lynn that sells starter seedlings. Proceeds go to their community work! Go to

Maitland Mountain Farm in Salem offers herbs, fruit and vegetable plants in early May. Check their Facebook page for updates.

Northeast Nurseries in Peabody remains open. Seeds, plants and equipment can be ordered for pick up.

Wolf Hill Nursery in Ipswich is open and has starter plants.

Seed Savers Exchange. SSE is a nonprofit providing online educational resources, seeds for sale, and a national seed exchange program.

Fedco Seeds, a cooperative company in Clinton, ME, sells seeds, plants and trees that thrive in Northeastern climates.

Johnny's Selected Seeds, an employee-owned company in Waterville, ME, sells a wide variety of organic and non-organic seeds and bare-root plants.

Planting Calendar: When to Plant Vegetables Guidance for when to start seeds inside, seeds/seedlings outside in Zone 6b.

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